Length of Last Word In C,CPP,JAVA,PYTHON,C#,JS
The “Length of Last Word“ problem is a classic problem often asked in coding interviews. The task is to determine the length of the last word in a given string. A word is defined as a sequence of non-space characters, and the words in the string are separated by spaces. Problem Statement: Given a string s, return the length of the last word in it. Example: Input: “Hello World” Output: 5 Explanation: The last word is “World”, and its length is 5. Input: arduinoCopy code” fly me to the moon ” Output: 4 Explanation: The last word is “moon”, and its length is 4. Input: “luffy is still joyboy” Output: 6 Explanation: The last word is “joyboy”, and its length is 6. Approach: We can solve this problem in two main ways: Solution Approach 1: Iteration from the end Solution Approach 2: Using built-in functions (trim, split) Code Implementations: 1. C++ #include <iostream>#include <string>#include <algorithm>using namespace std;int lengthOfLastWord(string s) { int n = s.length(); int length = 0; // Start from the end of the string int i = n – 1; // Skip trailing spaces while (i >= 0 && s[i] == ‘ ‘) { i–; } // Count the length of the last word while (i >= 0 && s[i] != ‘ ‘) { length++; i–; } return length;}int main() { string str = “Hello World”; cout << “Length of last word: ” << lengthOfLastWord(str) << endl; // Output: 5 return 0;} 2. C #include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>int lengthOfLastWord(char *s) { int len = strlen(s); int length = 0; // Skip trailing spaces while (len > 0 && s[len – 1] == ‘ ‘) { len–; } // Count the length of the last word while (len > 0 && s[len – 1] != ‘ ‘) { length++; len–; } return length;}int main() { char str[] = “Hello World”; printf(“Length of last word: %d\n”, lengthOfLastWord(str)); // Output: 5 return 0;} 3. Java public class LengthOfLastWord { public int lengthOfLastWord(String s) { int length = 0; int n = s.length(); // Skip trailing spaces int i = n – 1; while (i >= 0 && s.charAt(i) == ‘ ‘) { i–; } // Count the length of the last word while (i >= 0 && s.charAt(i) != ‘ ‘) { length++; i–; } return length; } public static void main(String[] args) { LengthOfLastWord solution = new LengthOfLastWord(); String str = “Hello World”; System.out.println(“Length of last word: ” + solution.lengthOfLastWord(str)); // Output: 5 }} 4. Python def lengthOfLastWord(s: str) -> int: s = s.strip() # Remove leading/trailing spaces words = s.split() # Split the string into words return len(words[-1]) # Return the length of the last word# Test the functionprint(lengthOfLastWord(“Hello World”)) # Output: 5 5. C# using System;public class Solution { public int LengthOfLastWord(string s) { s = s.Trim(); // Remove leading/trailing spaces string[] words = s.Split(); // Split the string into words return words[words.Length – 1].Length; // Return the length of the last word } public static void Main() { Solution solution = new Solution(); string str = “Hello World”; Console.WriteLine(solution.LengthOfLastWord(str)); // Output: 5 }} 6. JavaScript function lengthOfLastWord(s) { s = s.trim(); // Remove leading/trailing spaces const words = s.split(‘ ‘); // Split the string into words return words[words.length – 1].length; // Return the length of the last word}// Test the functionconsole.log(lengthOfLastWord(“Hello World”)); // Output: 5 Time Complexity: Space Complexity: Summary: The “Length of Last Word” problem can be solved using either an iterative approach from the end of the string or by trimming and splitting the string. Both approaches have a time complexity of O(n), but the iterative approach can be more space-efficient, using O(1) extra space.
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