How to rotate an image using Python?

Let’s look at how to use Python to rotate an image in this tutorial. The image rotated by a predetermined number of degrees around its center using Image Rotation. An image is transformed geometrically when it rotates. Either forward transformation or inverse transformation can be used. Here, inverse transformation is used by the Image Processing Library with Pillow. Some pixel values are beyond the image boundaries, or outside the image’s dimensions, if the number of degrees specified for image rotation is not an integer multiple of 90 degrees. The generated image will not display such values. Technique 1: Making use of the Image Processing Library Pillow Python3 The rotate() method of Python Image Processing Library Pillow Takes the number of degrees as a parameter and rotates the image in Counter Clockwise Direction to the number of degrees specified. Method 2: Using Open-CV to rotate an image by an angle in Python This is common that everyone knows that Python Open-CV is a module that will handle real-time applications related to computer vision. Open-CV works with image processing library imutils which deals with images. The imutils.rotate() function iused to rotate an image by an angle in Python. Python3 Even with this Open-CV, the image rotates counterclockwise to the designated number of degrees. Are you looking to hone your Python skills or explore the world of programming? Your best resource for learning Python is our Master Python: Complete Beginner to Advanced Course. From basic programming concepts to sophisticated approaches, this course covers all you need to establish a strong foundation. With practical projects, real-world examples, and knowledgeable advice, you’ll develop the self-assurance to take on challenging coding tasks. This training is ideal whether you want to improve your skills or start from fresh. Learn Python, the language of the future, by enrolling today!

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Check if two arrays are permutations of each other

Write a function that, given two identically sized unsorted arrays, returns true if the arrays are permutations of one another and false otherwise. Examples We strongly advise you to try this yourself first by minimizing your browser.Sorting both arrays and comparing the sorted arrays is a straightforward solution. This solution’s temporal complexity is O(nLogn). Using Hashing is a better option. The application of this strategy is seen below. C++ Java Python3 C# JavaScript Output Arrays are permutations of each other

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10-Step Content Creation Strategy

Whether you manage a company or wish to produce and profit from your own material, you need a thorough action plan in place. Let us so dissect the ten processes required to transform your interactive ideas into excellent material. Specify your intended audience first. You are creating material for whom? A blog post targeted at IT experts, for instance, will look and be written differently than one intended at single mothers with small children. It’s far wiser to choose a particular niche and write to them than try to produce material for “everyone.” Not only is it more likely to catch on, but unique material can keep you concentrated. Plan your objectives. With your material, what results you expect for? If you run a company, you could wish to boost brand awareness or raise conversion rates. If you create material, your main objective could be to build an audience so you might make money off of it. Quantifying these objectives will help you to determine if you are reaching them or not. For a single video, one could decide to aim for 100 comments and 1,000 shares. Set another once you have that one. Recognize content constraints. Kind of manufacturing infrastructure you have? Do you own lights, microphones, and video gear? Alternatively are you aiming to start with a blog heavy in text and grow fresh material over time? Start with your strongest suit and then add additional content kinds as you develop your audience. You can also get comments on the next projects your followers wish to see. produce excellent, interesting material. Content marketing is where quality always beats quantity. Yes, with a constant publishing schedule you should be able to keep momentum; two highly valuable posts will outperform ten average ones. Create material overall not only to have for the feed. Make sure every article complements your more general marketing objectives and has a purpose. Find which platforms fit best. You are not obliged to use all the several social media sites just because they exist. Your material might be excellent for Instagram and TikHub, for instance, but not so much for Facebook or Twitter. Concentrate on those platforms that will move your needle rather than waste time on ones unlikely to provide results. Create a library of contents. Multiple parts should ideally be ready for use as soon as your page launches. This helps you to create a buffer and relieves pressure to create fresh content every week or month. Start with central material that covers the pillars of your brand. From there, you can investigate other points of view and widen out into your niche. Create a content agenda. While some content producers choose once a week, others want to create a fresh piece every day. Though you want to avoid waiting too long between new releases, there is no “right” response. Otherwise, keeping pace and growing an audience becomes challenging. Starting small—that is, twice a month—then adding more material as you optimize the process is also ideal. Sort material for every social media network. Social media marketing is so successful since search engines and each platform allow you rapidly to strengthen your brand. Sometimes the Facebook page of a company may show higher than its website. Thus, make sure you maximize all of your material using transcripts, photos, caption keywords, and more. Every element is worth something, thus don’t just come up with a great title and assume that is enough. Get fresh ideas from keyword research. Coming up with ideas over the long run is one of the main difficulties of producing social media content. By knowing what your audience is looking for, keyword research helps you to craft works to answer those questions. Then you can create a content schedule in line. Focus on social developments. Trending issues change depending on several factors and can move on a dime. You can still grab on them as soon as they start even if you never know what will be hot at any one moment. In this situation, you will require a simplified content creation process to profit on trends before they go out. Forms of Content to Produced Effective content marketing depends on knowing exactly the kinds of materials to produce. Content can be arranged under blogs, videos, infographics, interviews, podcasts, webinars, and articles. Your content strategy’s intended use will determine whether you decide to produce several kinds of materials or concentrate on one type at a time. These are some of the best kinds of material you should use into your approach to article development. These let you interact with possible clients and offer your knowledge. Blog Entry Articles One of the most often used kinds of material on blogs is article. Usually they are shared, easy to read, and quite instructive. Make sure your blog article’s images are interesting, headlines are appealing, and pertinent keywords abound. Another excellent strategy to spread your message and network other thought leaders in your field is guest blogging on other websites. Several of the several advantages of including articles consist in: Using keywords in your writings will drive more people to your website in search engine optimization.Interesting and instructive articles can help readers to be involved.Sharing your skills and experience will help you establish your brand as an authority in your field of business.VideoOne great approach to involve and instruct your viewers is with videos. Company updates, product features, or expert field-based interviews can all be posted using them. Showcasing client success stories and proving how your solutions might address issues is another wonderful approach to use videos. Make sure your movies feature interesting images, crisp audio, and a gripping story. Furthermore keep in mind optimizing meta descriptions, tags, and titles to enable the videos to be quickly searchable and improve the ranking of your website. InfographicsMost businesses agree that visiting websites should last 52 seconds. People search websites for less than a minute, thus grabbing the users’ interest right away is crucial. For this

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Jump Game-Using Top-Down DP (Memoization)

Careful observation reveals that the preceding recursive solution possesses the two following Dynamic Programming characteristics: Number of ways to reach the array end from current index i, i.e., minJumps(i), depends on the optimal solutions of the subproblems minJumps(i+1), minJumps(i+2), …., minJumps(i+arr[i]). Finding the minimum leaps in these ideal substructures will help us to quickly determine the overall count of jumps needed to reach the end. As we use a recursive method in this problem, we observe that some subproblems are computed several times. Thus, we may find the value for a certain index and save it in an array such that, should this index be requested once more, we can just return the saved value. Use the ideas below to carry them out: Make memo[] such that, from memo[i], memo[i] denotes the lowest number of leaps required to reach memo[n-1] thereby storing previously solved subproblems.If the same state is called more than once throughout the recursion call, we can straightly return the response kept for that state instead of computing once again.Otherwise, in every recursive operation, acquire all the reachable nodes from that index.Recursive the function for every index call.From current index, determine the lowest number of jumps needed to reach the end. C++ Java Python C# JavaScript

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Jump Game – Minimum Jumps to Reach End

Considering an array arr[] containing only non-negative numbers. Every member in the array shows the furthest forward jump that one may get from that element. This implies that we may leap any distance y such that y ≤ x if arr[i] = x. Starting from the first element, determine the fewest leaps needed to reach the array’s finish. We cannot pass through an element if its value is 0. Note: Should we fall short of reaching the array’s end, return -1. Examples Table of Content Using Recursion – O(n^n) Time and O(n) Space C++ Java Python C# JavaScript Output 3

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Trapping Rain Water Problem-Using Stack

Although we have already covered a better strategy than this, this is a quite fascinating one to understand. Before advancing, it is highly advised to refer next greater element, past greater element and greatest area in a histogram difficulties. We remove an item from the stack and designate present item as next greater of it when we find next greater element. One significant finding here is the item below every item in the stack—the preceding greater element. We can thus determine both previous greater and next greater in one traversal and a stack for every element. Now you could be asking that for the trapping rain water issue, we require best on right and left (not closest greater). Kindly stop reading for a while and consider how we might find the water using next greater and previous greater. Using a stack and single traversal, one seeks next greater and previous greater for every element as mentioned above.We know absolutely that we must fill water between legitimate next greater and previous greater when we have both. We fill the known amount knowing a minimal amount as well. And when we contemplate past greater and next greater we locate their next and previous greater, and fill some more volume. We keep doing this till we discover both past and future greatest.We fill all between next greater and previous greater; we do not exactly fill one by one and neither do we fill the exact amount in a go. C++ C Java Python Output 9

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Trapping Rain Water Problem – Using Two Pointers

Optimal Method: Two Pointers O(n) Time and O(1) Space: The strategy is mostly predicated on the following facts: How can this be accomplished? Let us examine the situation whereby left max is less than right max. We already have a bigger value in arr[right…n-1 so we know left max for arr[left] and the right max for it would not be less than left max. C++ C Java Python C# JavaScript

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Trapping Rain Water Problem-Computing prefix and suffix max

Under the former method, for every element we required to determine the highest element on the left and the right. Consequently, to lower the temporal complexity: First we compute and save the highest bar on the left and right for every element—say placed in arrays left[] and right[].Then iterate the array using the computed values to determine the water stored in this index—that is, the same as ( min(left[i], right[i]) – arr[i]). C++ C Java Python C# JavaScript Illustration

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Trapping Rain Water Problem – Tutorial with Illustrations

Given an array of n non-negative integers arr[] representing an elevation map where the width of each bar is 1, find how much water it can trap following rain. Examples Table of Content Observations: The problem’s fundamental idea runs like this: Brute force O(n2) time and O(1) Place: Space Go across every element in the array to locate the highest bars on both sides. Consider the lesser of the two heights. The quantity of water this array element can store defines the difference between the smaller height and the height of the current element. C++ C Java Python C# JavaScript Output 9

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