Master Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA)

Close-up of a computer screen displaying programming code in a dark environment.

In computer science and algorithm design, categorized by their application and usage frequency. It highlights key concepts like Arrays, which are fundamental data structures, and advanced techniques such as Dynamic Programming, used for solving optimization problems. Topics like Sorting, Hash Tables, and Graphs cover essential methods for organizing and searching data efficiently. Techniques like Greedy Algorithms and Divide and Conquer represent strategies for solving problems step-by-step or by breaking them into smaller subproblems. Specialized methods like Backtracking, Sliding Window, and Monotonic Stacks are used for specific problem patterns.

The list also includes data structures like Binary Trees, Tries, and Segment Trees, which are used for hierarchical or range-based data queries. Algorithmic paradigms such as Recursion, Bit Manipulation, and Heap (Priority Queue) reflect different ways to approach computation. Other advanced topics, including Probability and Statistics, Game Theory, and Concurrency, extend into multidisciplinary applications. Finally, rare and niche areas like Eulerian Circuit, Biconnected Components, and Reservoir Sampling address specific challenges in graph theory and data sampling. Overall, the list is a comprehensive guide to the diverse tools and concepts used in problem-solving across domains.

  1. Hash Table
  2. Dynamic Programming
  3. Math (Coming Soon)
  4. Sorting (Coming Soon)
  5. Greedy (Coming Soon)
  6. Depth-First Search (Coming Soon)
  7. Database (Coming Soon)
  8. Binary Search (Coming Soon)
  9. Matrix (Coming Soon)
  10. Tree (Coming Soon)
  11. Breadth-First Search (Coming Soon)
  12. Bit Manipulation (Coming Soon)
  13. Two Pointers (Coming Soon)
  14. Heap (Priority Queue) (Coming Soon)
  15. Prefix Sum (Coming Soon)
  16. Binary Tree (Coming Soon)
  17. Simulation (Coming Soon)
  18. Stack (Coming Soon)
  19. Counting (Coming Soon)
  20. Graph (Coming Soon)
  21. Sliding Window (Coming Soon)
  22. Design (Coming Soon)
  23. Backtracking (Coming Soon)
  24. Enumeration (Coming Soon)
  25. Union Find (Coming Soon)
  26. Linked List (Coming Soon)
  27. Ordered Set (Coming Soon)
  28. Number Theory (Coming Soon)
  29. Monotonic Stack (Coming Soon)
  30. Trie (Coming Soon)
  31. Segment Tree (Coming Soon)
  32. Bitmask (Coming Soon)
  33. Divide and Conquer (Coming Soon)
  34. Queue (Coming Soon)
  35. Recursion (Coming Soon)
  36. Combinatorics (Coming Soon)
  37. Binary Search Tree (Coming Soon)
  38. Hash Function (Coming Soon)
  39. Binary Indexed Tree (Coming Soon)
  40. Geometry (Coming Soon)
  41. Memoization (Coming Soon)
  42. String Matching (Coming Soon)
  43. Topological Sort (Coming Soon)
  44. Shortest Path (Coming Soon)
  45. Rolling Hash (Coming Soon)
  46. Game Theory (Coming Soon)
  47. Interactive (Coming Soon)
  48. Data Stream (Coming Soon)
  49. Monotonic Queue (Coming Soon)
  50. Brainteaser (Coming Soon)
  51. Randomized (Coming Soon)
  52. Merge Sort (Coming Soon)
  53. Doubly-Linked List (Coming Soon)
  54. Counting Sort (Coming Soon)
  55. Iterator (Coming Soon)
  56. Concurrency (Coming Soon)
  57. Probability and Statistics (Coming Soon)
  58. Quickselect (Coming Soon)
  59. Suffix Array (Coming Soon)
  60. Bucket Sort (Coming Soon)
  61. Minimum Spanning Tree (Coming Soon)
  62. Shell (Coming Soon)
  63. Line Sweep (Coming Soon)
  64. Reservoir Sampling (Coming Soon)
  65. Strongly Connected Component (Coming Soon)
  66. Eulerian Circuit (Coming Soon)
  67. Radix Sort (Coming Soon)
  68. Rejection Sampling (Coming Soon)
  69. Biconnected Component (Coming Soon)